9 Jose Patio


Property Status: 






Last updated on

November 9, 2015 - 3:19pm

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(415) 868-0717

for more information

Nothing compares to oceanfront.   Located just 35 minutes north of San Francisco in the surf town of Stinson Beach is one of the most charming and rarest of beach houses.   This sun drenched, timeless oceanfront retreat is nestled within the delicate dunes of Stinson on a small cul-de-sac called Jose Patio. The house name, Sea Escape, truly says it all.

The main house has been restored and updated without losing its beachy charm.  The home includes a main house with master suite connected to a guest house with two additional bedrooms.  The location is very special with intimate mountain views and close to the town of Stinson.  It is extremely private in the small enclave of Jose Patio. 


 Are you ready for new memories that will last a lifetime?  Grab your board and beach chairs because just over the natural dune is one of the best beaches in all of California.

